After talking to a good friend yesterday, I decided to share with you what it's like living on the road. My friend was very inquisitive as to what it's like living in a camper. So, with my best effort, I'm going to give you a detailed description of what it's like.
Jeffrey's camper is the first and only camper that I've had the opportunity to live in. I do believe that he and I are both very lucky to have such a nice place to live while away from home. The camper is 38 feet long and a 5th wheel. I would compare it to living in a single wide trailer with 1 bed/1 bath. Very snotty I know, but I don't feel I'd do a good job in anything smaller. We have a Queen size bed, 2 recliners, Direct TV, Internet, stove, washer and dryer, oven, microwave, nice size fridge, hot and cold water, and need I mention 2 AC units :). The camper has 3 slides, this means that once you get settled, 3 parts of the camper slides out and gives you extra room! There isn't really much more I'd need to be any happier on the road. Everyday there are a few things I have to get accomplished. The following are things I feel necessary to complete. I promise there is no pressure from J! He works very hard and while I'm here, I feel it's the least I can do! When he gets off work, I like for him to have a bed that's made, clean clothes, clean camper, clean girlfriend, pitcher of tea, and a warm dinner :) Then the rest of the day is mine to do whatever I choose. (Today I went to some popular Antique stores, also I'm searching for a POOL :) Sometimes being inside the camper is rather lonely, The Real Housewives can only keep me going for a certain amount of time! So, I've created a "patio" area if you will!

This is where the wine goes down! I sit and wait to see Jeffrey pulling into the campground! Silly I know :) Jeffrey likes the area too! I thought I was doing a great job, rug on clearance, round table that was going to be trashed, foldable chairs $10 each. So, we were "enjoying" the new set up and I asked Jeffrey why he looked so uncomfortable. His reply was simple, in regards to my $10 chairs. He said "Baby, I'm a big boy!" So there went my "good" buy! I'm currently looking for a comfy chair. :(
Ok. I haven't shared my love yet.... That is my love for the supermarket KROGER! I honestly felt as if I were walking down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills! This store was so awesome. Unlike anything I've ever seen! The staff was so friendly as well. Saying "Thank you, and You're Welcome". SIDE NOTE: While being up north, Jeffrey and I make it a competition to see who can say it more as well as to see how people up here react to it, so far, so good! And we haven't gotten the famous question "Where are you guys from?".
I will be visiting Kroger as frequently as possible! For dinner last night (1st dinner I've cooked here) we had Baked Parmesan/Ranch Chicken, zucchini, squash, broccoli, fresh sweet corn on the cob, and potato salad. I baked the chicken on the Foreman, vegetables in the oven,corn on the stove, and potato salad from the store (my heart melts for potato salad). The camper got really hot and I couldn't keep it cool, so tonight, I'll be doing a one dish meal with the electric skillet. Every day is a guessing game when it comes to their quitting time. Yesterday, dinner was ready at 6pm and they didn't get home till around 7pm. With a one dish dinner, I'm gonna start it when he gets home. Weston joined us for dinner last night, I don't care much for having lots of left overs, so the more the merrier. And it makes me feel good to have a good meal ready!
I'm leaving you with a few pics, Enjoy :)
This is somewhat of a view of the campground. It's still a work in progress, but it'll do :) The owners broke ground on May 1st and our half is completed, and a majority of it is in use :) Everyone we've met has been very kind. Except for our neighbor. He has a loud truck and gets in late at night :) Lol, it's just Weston!
This is a beautiful view of the back side of the campground. God sure has blessed us with a beautiful country, but there's no place like Tennessee :)
I'm going to confess, I have an obsession. With ice cream. Not just any kind. VANILLA! Largest cone the DQ has to offer! My treat for being a good girlfriend! haha!